Mutual Aid Benefit w/ Priscilla Priddy, Vivi, Kat Kirby, and Sluglet (Rochester, NY) Monday, Feb 10, 07:00 PM-10:00 PM Monday 10 February 22:00 Wave Archive 197 East Toole Avenue, Tucson
Itty Bitty Knitty Committee Wednesday, Feb 12, 04:00 PM-06:00 PM Wednesday 12 February 18:00 Revolutionary Grounds Books and Coffee 4675 E Speedway Blvd artcommunitycraftingfiber arts
Dreamflower Garden Farm Stand Wednesday, Feb 12, 05:00 PM-06:00 PM Wednesday 12 February 18:00 Dreamflower Garden Alley 3227, East Glenn Street, Tucson, Pima County, Arizona, 85716, United States foodshopping
Justice Over Java Thursday, Feb 13, 04:30 PM-06:00 PM Thursday 13 February 18:00 Revolutionary Grounds Books and Coffee 4675 E Speedway Blvd activismcommunitymutual aid
"Walk & Talk" with TBOSC - Tucson Birthplace Open Space Coalition Thursday, Feb 13, 05:00 PM-06:30 PM Thursday 13 February 18:30 Mission Garden parking lot, 946 W. Mission Lane off of S. Grande Ave. 946 W. Mission Lane communityLandbackTBOSC - Tucson Birthplace Open Space Coalitionyouth
The Gem Show, Borts Minorts, Sad Reptilian at Groundworks (Bob Colby Presents Second Thursdays) Thursday, Feb 13, 07:00 PM-10:00 PM Thursday 13 February 22:00 Groundworks 2919 E Grant Rd, Tucson, AZ 85716 music
youth open mic with Tucson Rock Camp Friday, Feb 14, 04:30 PM-06:30 PM Friday 14 February 18:30 Revolutionary Grounds Books and Coffee 4675 E Speedway Blvd communitykaraokelive performancemusicperformanceyouth
Pijama Piyama, Salvador Duran, DJ Dirtyverbs - free, special one day pop-up exhibition of Louis Carlos Bernal: Retrospectivita Saturday, Feb 15, 03:00 PM-09:00 PM Saturday 15 February 21:00 Hotel Congress Plaza 311 E Congress St., Tucson, AZ cumbiaFamily friendlyfreelive musicmusicphotography
Microfono Abierto de Poesia Bilingue - bilingual poetry open mic Friday, Feb 21, 05:00 PM-06:30 PM Friday 21 February 18:30 Revolutionary Grounds Books and Coffee 4675 E Speedway Blvd artbilingualbilinguecommunityEspanolopen mic